Picture it, (I wanted to go Sicily 1925 like Sophia from Golden Girls) a friend of my sister in law’s was getting ready to go to her book club and asked if I wanted to go with her since I love to read. I discovered I had read the book they were reading and loved it so I thought I would go. It was gonna fun right? Wrong, it was the worst hour of my life. They destroyed a book that I enjoyed and made me feel bad for liking it. Now, it wasn’t the friend I went with. In fact, on the way back to my brother’s she admitted she hadn’t even read the book.
They were so set on the opinion of the leaders of the group that she told me many don’t bother reading them at all. They just agree with whatever was being said. After all there was no room for any other opinions. I was appalled. I couldn’t believe that grown women felt like this was okay behavior. I had wanted to cry when we left there and when I reread the book I cried all the way through it. Was I not interpreting something the same way? Did I just enjoy happy endings too much?
It’s Okay
The answer is no. I enjoyed the book, plain and simple. I enjoy many books that don’t always have the best reviews. In fact, I take all reviews with a grain of salt and always remind my readers to do the same. I love sharing my thoughts with you on books that I enjoy. However, just because I love a book doesn’t mean you will. Nor will it mean that you will hate a book if I do. Although you should know it takes a lot for me to give a book a rating below three stars. It has to be something that is just not for me.
Even then I will attempt to find the things that I enjoy about the book before I write my review. I also make an attempt to reread or do actually reread the book to see if my first impression is correct. There have been times when I read a book and didn’t like it at first but then fell in love with on a second read.
Either way a book club should never make you feel bad for liking or hating a book. The purpose of a book club I to share your opinion and insight into a book. If you go and can only have the opinions of the those leading the club then it’s a cult. When the friend found I would be in town she asked I wanted to go back with her and I told her I would pass. There was no way I was going to subject myself or my books and authors to those ladies.
Instead, I spent the day reading the book they hated so much again. Guess what? I still love it just as much! I should say I respect the fact they didn’t like the book. We are all entitled to our opinions. I’m to in any way complaining about that. I didn’t like the fact that liking the book was simply not allowed. No other opinion was allowed to the point that many members weren’t even reading the books anymore. They were just showing up and agreeing with everyone else.
I did attend a book club at the library while I have been here and it was delightful. It was everything a book club was suppose to be and I enjoyed my time there. Everyone had various opinions on the book and we were able to discuss it. My sister in-law also have a book club (although she says it’s not) where they talk about whatever true crime book they are reading at the moment. It is always fun and I love finding out about all the crime and mysteries they are reading. Everyone seems to get something different out of what the books.

I have not ever joined one I guess I am afraid of what happened to you at the one you joined.
I’m not a fan of book clubs. I like to read at my own pace and have a long list of books I already want to read.
I have never joined one before. It might be fun to try one out.
I’m interested in joining one to experience it!
I have never been a part of one before, but I think I would enjoy it!
haven’t been in one
I have never been in a book club. I think it would be fun to discuss a book with others.
I’ve never considered joining a book club. I like reading books at leisure and at my own pace.
I have never thought of joining a book club as it just seemed like work & I just read for pleasure.
i have always wanted to join a book club
I’ve never been to a book club, but I wanred to join one. Thankfully I red this post and I didn’t waste my time.
I have never been in a book club. I guess I feel a bit intimidated about joining one.
I’ve never been in one. I think they sound like a fun idea though.
I like them because it broadens my reading horizons to new materials.
The book looks amazing and very interesting! I’d love to read it! Thank you so much for the chance to be entered in your giveaway! I hope you have a great day!!
I have never joined a book club don;t think I would either
I have not been in a book club sounds like fun
I love the concept of book clubs, but I haven’t been part of one. Also, I’m very choosy, and wouldn’t want to read a book that didn’t interest me, because it was a book club one. Books that are influential, on best seller lists in addition to being considered noteworthy, would be ones I’d like to share thoughts with others.
I used to hate them cause they didn’t pick the genre I love to read. But I joined one last year, during the pandemic, with my sister that it’s romance only & I love it! 🙂 – We do virtual meetings on a Friday night with wine & snacks and it’s the best! – I think it’s all about finding the one that’s right for you. ❤️
I’m not fond of book clubs, but that’s just me. Maybe I should join the one at my library…
I’m not a huge fan of book clubs. Yes, they have their place and serve that community well, but I’m too picky to have to slog my way through a book that I hate or am not drawn into. I’ve found that if I have to push through to the end of a book I didn’t like, I’m super critical of it and I tend to lose some of my enjoyment of reading because of that.
I have not joined a book club because I read True Crime and most of the books clubs read fiction.
I’ve never been to a book club. I’m not sure if I’d like them or not. Depends on the genre everyone was into.
I once ran a book lovers newsletter – people submitted reviews, thoughts, questions. Really enjoyed it and discovered some wonderful new authors and some really wonderful reads, My only issue with a “book club: is I have limited free time to read – and if I’m not attracted to the selection it would be … difficult.
I have never been a part of a book club but I have several coworkers who belong to one and love it.
I have never been in a book club. I just don’t have the time because of work. I wish I had the time.
I was in a book club for several years. Great bunch of women with differing view but always done respectfully.
Thanks for the contest.
The only book club I joined turned out to be a wine drinking club where everyone just so happened to bring the same book every meeting. 😐
I prefer reading books alone and then reading people’s reviews, opinions to find people who fangirl over the same stuff as me.
I have never been a member of a book club. It would be fun to attend one for the experience.
if you like books, they are a good way to get exposed to other opinions and recommedations
I actually really like book clubs. I’m in two, and they are both a nice mix of social “hang out” and discussing a monthly book club. Plus, it’s a good way for me to try different books or books that I’ve wanted to read but haven’t gotten to. And it’s always nice to discuss certain titles that just BEG to be discussed. haha
I have never joined a book club. Not sure it would be for me. Might try a book club out one day.
I enjoy true book clubs because of so many different insights that are often so interesting. I would not waste my time going to one Luke you experienced. Life is just too short for bs IMO. I also look a book clubs picks because most the time they are interesting reads for various reasons.
I really love to read, but I don’t think book clubs are for me. I’ve got a couple of friends who enjoy them, though.
I just love book clubs and reading.
I haven’t ever joined a book club.
I think it would be fun.
I used to read books from Oprah’s book club. I’ve never actually attended a book club though. I think they sound interesting.
Book clubs? It wouldbe great to find a great one.