- Accetta-Scott, Ann
- Adair, Marina
- Addey, Melissa
- Admans, Jaimie
- Allen, Anne
- Allen, K.K.
- Allen, Navessa
- Allison, Ketley
- Alvarez, Sandy
- Blind Deception (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana #8)
- Cocky Outlaw by Crystal Daniels & Sandy Alvarez (Cocky Hero Club)
- Defy (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana #3.5)
- Finding Solace (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana #3)
- Kings of Retribution MC Montana (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana)
- Lost King (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana #5)
- Prospect (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana #6)
- Riggs (The Kings of Retribution MC Louisiana #1)
- Darkest of Light , The (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana #2)
- Unbreakable (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana #4)
- Undaunted (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana #1)
- Amatt, Margaret
- Ames, Jessica
- Anderson, Celia
- Angel, Golden
- Angell, Kate
- Anne, Melody
- Armstrong, Kelley
- Arnold, M W
- Ashley, Jennifer
- Atkinson, Heather
- Austin, Jaylee
- Authors, Wicked Love
- Avon, Joy
- Bacarr, Jina
- Baggot, Mandy
- Baines, Tracy
- Baldwin, Melissa
- Ballenger, Kait
- Banks, Maya
- Bartlett, Jo
- Bateman, Kate
- Belli, Kate
- Bennett, Anna
- Bennett, Sarah
- Black, Indie
- Black, Regan
- Black, Tasha
- Blackburn, Maggie
- Blake, Lexi
- Bayou Baby (Butterfly Bayou #2)
- Bayou Dreaming (Butterfly Bayou #3)
- Butterfly Bayou (Butterfly Bayou #1)
- Found in Bliss (Nights in Bliss #5)
- Live, Love, Spy (Masters & Mercenaries: New Recruits #2)
- Lost in Bliss (Nights in Bliss, Colorado #4)
- Memento Mori (Masters and Mercenaries: The Forgotten #1)
- One to Keep (Nights in Bliss, Colorado #3)
- Protected (Masters and Mercenaries #16.5)
- Siren in Waiting (Texas Sirens #5)
- Bliss, Chelle
- Bohnet, Jennifer
- Boldt, RC
- Boruff, L.A.
- Bovee, Kari
- Boyce, Kristy
- Bright, Verity
- Briscoe, Laramie
- Brook, Allison
- Browning, Terri Anne
- Bryant, Anabelle
- Burgoa, Claudia
- Burke, Darcy
- Burstall, Emma
- Byrne, Kerrigan
- Cade, Ashley
- Cahoon, Lynn
- Caldwell, Jasmine C.
- Callisto, Alice
- Cambron, Kristy
- Canavan, April
- Carlan, Audrey
- Chase, Clare
- Chester, Fliss
- Cheyne, Gina
- Childs, Lisa
- Christensen, Maggie
- Ciesielski, J'nell
- Claire, Cherie
- Clare, Pamela
- Clarke, Rosie
- Cleeves, Ann
- Cleveland, Karen
- Coben, Harlan
- Coleman, Lucy
- Conte, Cate
- Cook, Donovan
- Copeland, Sarah
- Courtenay, Christina
- Cowles, Catherine
- Coyle, Cleo
- Crosby, Tanya Anne
- Cross, Kaylea
- Crowe, Kitt
- Crowley, Brittany
- Cullen, Richard
- D'Alba, Cynthia
- D'Silva, Renita
- Dady, K.T.
- Daiko, SC
- Daiko, Siobhan
- Daniels, Crystal
- Blind Deception (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana #8)
- Cocky Outlaw by Crystal Daniels & Sandy Alvarez (Cocky Hero Club)
- Defy (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana #3.5)
- Finding Solace (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana #3)
- Kings of Retribution MC Montana (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana)
- Lost King (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana #5)
- Prospect (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana #6)
- Riggs (The Kings of Retribution MC Louisiana #1)
- Darkest of Light , The (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana #2)
- Unbreakable (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana #4)
- Undaunted (The Kings of Retribution MC Montana #1)
- Davies, Liz
- Davis, Lia
- Davis, S E
- Dean, Charlie
- Dee, Penny
- Deese, Nicole
- Dickey, Elissa Grossell
- Dixon, Ruby
- Drake, Laura
- Dunbar, Kate
- Dunbar, Kiley
- Fantôme, Stylo
- Fernando, Chantal
- Ace of Hearts (The Cursed Ravens MC #1)
- Custom Built (Fast & Fury #1)
- Custom Love (Fast & Fury #3)
- Custom Made (Fast & Fury #2)
- Decker's Dilemma (Knights & Dragons MC #1)
- Fallen Princess (Wind Dragons MC #10)
- Going Rogue (The Cursed Ravens MC #3)
- Knuckle Down (The Cursed Ravens MC #2)
- Rhett Redeemed (Knights & Dragons MC #2)
- Saint (Knights of Fury MC #1)
- Temper (Knights of Fury #3)
- Ferrarella, Marie
- Ferrell, Charity
- Finnerty, Caroline
- Finz, Stacy
- Fleet, Heather Van
- Ford, Brynn
- Forder, Tony J
- Forster, Kate
- Fowkes, Carole
- Fox, Addison
- Freeman, Kathryn
- Gibbons, Peter
- Gilbert, Victoria
- Gitsham, Paul
- Goodman, Jane
- Goodwin, Grace
- Grady, Robyn
- Grand, Mary
- Grant, Pippa
- Gray, Sherilee
- Gray, Susan
- Green, Rosie
- Grey, Amelia
- Grey, Heather
- Guy, Louise
- Hager, Krysten Lindsay
- Han, Barb
- Hannah, Annette
- Haris, Gail
- Heavens, Kerry
- Helm, Nicole
- Hendry, Rosie
- Henry, Patti Callahan
- Henshaw, Ellie
- Hensley, Alta
- Herron, Rita
- Hewitt, Kate
- Hiestand, Jo A
- Higgin, Bella
- Hobman, Lisa
- Hollis, Lee
- Holmes, R.
- Hopkins, Mia
- Hornburg, E.E.
- Houston, Julie
- Howells, Debbie
- Hudson, Sara L.
- Hughes, Maya
- Hutchinson, Lindsey
- Hutton, Callie
- Jacobs, Evie
- James, Alison
- James, Delta
- James, Marie
- Jarman, Julia
- Jenner, Carmen
- Johnston, Linda O.
- Jones, Carys
- Kage, Linda
- Kaye, Jody
- Keeper, Imogen
- Kent, Saffron A.
- Kincaid, Harper
- King, Kayleigh
- Knight, Eliza
- Kriss, Julie
- Krotow, Geri
- Kruse, Gary
- Lacombe, Lara
- Land, Jon
- Lane, Lizzie
- Lang, Essie
- Lark, Sophie
- Leigh, Adriane
- Leigh, Judy
- Leitch, Fiona
- Lockheart, Olivia
- Louise, Emma
- Louise, Tia
- Lovering, Jane
- Low, Shari
- Lum, J.
- Lymari, C.
- Lynn, Hannah
- Lyons, Kathy
- MacIntosh, Portia
- Mack, Leonie
- MacLean, Carol
- MacLeod, Phoebe
- Madison, Natasha
- Malloy, Misty
- Marion, Elise
- Markin, Wes
- Marley, Louise
- Marple, Maisy
- Mathur, Khoty
- Matthews, Ella
- Maycock, B R
- McBride, Patricia
- McCollum, Heather
- McCoy, Shirlee
- McDonald, C.S.
- McGuire, Darcy
- McHeyzer, Margaret
- McKellen, Christy
- McKinney, Amanda
- McLayne, Alyson
- Mello, Alison
- Mello, Deborah Fletcher
- Michaels, Donna
- Miller, Fenella J
- Miller, Kayt
- Minton, Brenda
- Montebello, Michelle
- Moorcroft, Sue
- Moore, Jen Collins
- Morey, Jennifer
- Morgan, Mary
- Morrey, Maxine
- Mullen, O J
- Murphy, Fiona
- Padgett, Alexa
- Pamfiloff, Mimi Jean
- Pearl, Alex
- Peer, Elin
- Penny, Val
- Phillips, Carly
- Pine, A.J.
- Porter, MJ
- Publishing, Boom Factory
- Race, Lucinda
- Raines, Karen
- Rayne, Piper
- Redland, Jessica
- Reid, Carmen
- Reyes, Elena M.
- Reynolds, Aurora Rose
- Rico, L.E.
- Riley, Sheila
- Roberts, Alison
- Roberts, Nora
- Robertson, Cara
- Robinson, Lauri
- Rock, Joanne
- Rose, Jeanette
- Rose, Lila
- Rowlands, Betty
- Ryan, Carrie Ann
- Ryan, Maggie
- Ryans, Leann
- Saffire, Blue
- Samborn, Rob
- Sands, Lynsay
- Schroeder, Melissa
- Scott, Eliza J
- Scott, Laura
- Scott, Victoria
- Seere, Diana
- Shelby, Lynne
- Shere, Heather
- Silver, Josie
- Sinclair, Rob
- Sloan, Harper
- Smith, Melanie A.
- Solheim, Tracy
- Solomon, CC
- Sommer, Romy
- Spear, Terry
- Spring, Olivia
- Steeples, Jill
- Stetler, Tena
- Stevens, Amanda
- Stockham, Alison
- Stoker, Susan
- Stone, Miri
- Stone, Tana
- Strobos, Kathy
- Svaneborg, Martin
- Sweasey, Rachel
- Swegan, M.S.
- Thayne, RaeAnne
- Thompson, Colleen
- Tink, Kelly
- Tinley, Catherine
- Trejo, Erin
- Trim, Brenda
- Truman, Margaret
- Turnbull, Lorraine
- Vale, Lani Lynn
- Always Someone’s Monster (Battle Crows MC #1)
- Annoyed At First Sight (Gator Bait MC #4)
- Any Day Now (KPD SWAT Generation 2.0 #8)
- Ask My if I Care (KPD SWAT Generation 2.0 #4)
- Ask Your Mom If I’m Real (The Heroes of the Dixie Wardens MC #8.5)
- Chalk Dirty to Me (Madd CrossFit #3)
- Chute Yeah (The Valentine Boys #3)
- Clap Back (The Carter Brothers #4)
- Clown Motel (Welcome to the Circus #4)
- Conjugal Visits (Souls Chapel Revenants MC #2)
- Crazy Heifer (The Valentine Boys #2)
- Cute But Psycho (Gator Bait MC #3)
- Depends on Who’s Asking (KPD SWAT Generation 2.0 #12)
- Doin’ A Dime (Souls Chapel Revenants MC #4)
- Freak Show (Welcome to the Circus #2)
- Fries Before Guys (SWAT Generation 2.0 #2)
- Fun House (Welcome to the Circus #1)
- Gen Pop (Souls Chapel Revenants MC #6)
- Get Bucked (The Valentine Boys #4)
- Get Tragic (Battle Crows MC #5)
- Good Trouble (Gator Bait MC #2)
- Hail Mary (Hail Raisers #6)
- Herd That (The Valentine Boys #1)
- Hey, Daddy (Semyonov Bratva #2)
- Hide Your Crazy (KPD Motorcycle Patrol #1)
- Highway Don't Care (Freebirds #2)
- Hissy Fit (The Southern Gentleman #1)
- How About No (Bear Bottom Guardians MC #3)
- I Can't Even (The Carter Brothers #2)
- I'd Rather Not (KPD Motorcycle Patrol #3)
- I'll Just Date Myself (Gator Bait MC #7)
- If You Say So (KPD Motorcycle Patrol #6)
- Inmate of the Month (Souls Chapel Revenants MC #7)
- It Wasn't Me (KPD Motorcycle Patrol #2)
- Jailbait (Souls Chapel Revenants MC #3)
- Jerk It (Madd Crossfit #2)
- Join the Club (KPD SWAT Generation 2.0 #7)
- Jokes on You (KPD SWAT Generation 2.0 #6)
- Just Kidding (KPD SWAT Generation 2.0 #1)
- Killing Booth (Welcome to the Circus #6)
- Kitty Kitty (Souls Chapel Revenants MC #5)
- Listen Pitch (There's No Crying in Baseball #3)
- Make Me (KPD Motorcycle Patrol #4)
- Make Me Your Villain (Battle Crows MC #2)
- May Contain Wine (KPD SWAT Generation 2.0 #5)
- Maybe Swearing Will Help (SWAT Generation 2.0 #3)
- Mess Me Up (Bear Bottom Guardians MC #1)
- No Cap (The Carter Brothers #1)
- No Rep (Madd Crossfit #1)
- Nobody Cares Unless You're Pretty (Gator Bait MC #1)
- Nobody Knows (SWAT Generation 2.0 #11)
- Not a Role Model (Battle Crows MC #4)
- Offically Over It (SWAT Generation 2.0 #10)
- Quit Bein' Ugly (The Southern Gentleman #3)
- Quit Your Pitchin' (There's No Crying in Baseball #2)
- Rattle Some Cages (Battle Crows MC #3)
- Rent Free (The Carter Brothers #5)
- Repeat Offender (Souls Chapel Revenants MC #1)
- F-Bomb (Bear Bottom Guardians MC #9)
- Say It Ain't So (SWAT Generation 2.0 #9)
- Shakedown (Souls Chapel Revenants MC #8)
- Show Off (Welcome to the Circus #3)
- Sinners are Winners (KPD Motorcycle Patrol #5)
- Snitches Get Stitches (Bear Bottom Guardians MC #8)
- Sold to the Circus (Welcome to the Circus #5)
- Somethin’ About That Boy
- Special Kind of Twisted (Gator Bait MC #6)
- Stay Toxic (Semyonov Bratva #1)
- Strange & Unusual (Battle Crows MC #6)
- Suck This
- Trash Talkin' (Bear Bottom Guardians MC #2)
- Fool, The (Welcome to the Circus #7)
- Voices are Back, The (Gator Bait MC #5)
- Thirst Trap (The Carter Brothers #3)
- Time to Bounce (The Carter Brothers #6)
- Too Bad So Sad (Simple Man #5)
- YOLO (The Carter Brothers #7)
- Vale, Vanessa
- Valente, Lili
- Valentine, J.C.
- Veque, Kathryn Le
- Vernal, Michelle
- Viggiano, Debbie
- Vinton, Sherri Brooks
- Wallace, Murphy
- Walsh, Alexandra
- Walsh, Alison
- Ward, CP
- West, Allison
- West, Fiona
- Wetz, Florence
- Whiddon, Karen
- Wilde, Teagan
- Williams, T. A.
- Wolters, Lynda
- Wood, Stephanie
- Wright, Suzanne
- Wylde, Joanna