There have been plenty of cities from books that I wanted to visit, places to see, and people to meet. However the best part of all of those books are the various families. I want to meet so many of them but there is one family I would love to be adopted into. It’s the Kelly family from Maya Banks.
If you have any of her KGI books then you know that they are a family of brothers who do contract work for the government and other private citizens. They do all sorts of secret ops missions. Each book is so well written that you will find yourself devouring them. The Kelly’s live in a compound for lack of better word. They don’t start out living in one but after some things happen they end up living in one.
It takes some work to get their parents to agree to build a house and move into the compound. One of my favorite things about the Kellys is Ma Kelly’s need to adopt all sorts of people. She will take in almost any wayward person. The other members of the various teams employed by KGI are always counted as part of the family.

Then there is Sean, a deputy in town who is an honorary Kelly from the the very first book. We don’t know his back story yet but he is a huge part of the family and the series. The other member is Rusty who breaks into the elder Kelly’s home one night. She’s hungry and well that is all it takes. She not only gets taken in and taken care of, she is eventually adopted and becomes an official Kelly. She is the only girl in a family of boys.
This family loud and always has each other’s backs no matter what. Family always comes first and even when they are being jerks they still do there best by one another. You can read more about my favorite Kelly book in August’s Author Spotlight Giveaway.
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The Bennetts from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is my favorite book family.
They are pretty great as well!
Off the top of my head, I can’t think of a book family that I love.. I am sure there are lots, but I’ve got nothing right now – lol! Thank you for all of your awesome book posts! I love reading them 🙂
Thank you so much Erin! i love knowing that people are enjoying my book stuff.
I like the Murry family in A Wrinkle in Time.
Thanks for the contest.
You are so welcome. I agree, I like the Murrys as well.
i can’t even think of a book family
The “Weasleys” from Harry Potter!
Hmmm….can’t think of a book family to mention here….sorry!
can’t think of any
Bilbo and a gang from the hobbit. Adventure awaits 🙂
I would love to be in the March family from Little Women.
as a kid i wanted to be one of the march sisters from little women because even though they had alot of tragedy thye were so close
not sure i am going to read and then i love to read books
and i read a lot
The Mayson family from Aurora Rose Reynolds’ Until Series… I’d want to be married in though 😀
I want to be part of the Ferraro family from Christine Feehan’s shadow series. How cool to be able to move in the shadows and be part of a family that watches out for each other.
Yes! I want to be a member of the DeClermont family from Deborah Harkness’ A Discovery of Witches series!
I would like to be a member of the Anne Of Green Gables book family.
No not yet….
The Weasleys from Harry Potter
The Berry’s from The Hotel New Hampshire.
I can not think of any book familys off the top of my head. I love to read . I love all books
I love the Preston family from Jay Mclean’s books
The Ingalls family from the Little House on the Prairie series.
I can’t think of any.
I would love to be a dark hunter in Sherrilyn Kenyon’s books if that counts as a book family.
How about I just say that MY family could be in a book series and I love being a part of my family haha. So many stories we have! the Kellys seem like a pretty awesome family too!
The March family from Little Women.
I would like to be a part of the Lestat-Louis-Claudia-Madeleine group (from Anne Rice’s “The Vampire Chronicles”) if they all managed to survive.
Oh yes! The Kellys by Maya Banks are top of my list too! 😀
Also, the Hathaways by Lisa Kleypas. One of my favorite series ever! 🙂
I would say Jane Austen.