Today I thought I would do something a little different. Instead of the regular facts about me I thought I would share bookish facts about myself. Twenty five things about books and myself that will help you get to know me a little better. So, sit back and get ready to learn things that you most likely didn’t know about me already. If you did, it’s because you know me personally and I expect you to comment cause it’s important. Especially since I know you’re gonna have about a million other things to add like how I don’t pay attention when you call me on the phone if I am reading. Also how you tell m to put the book down instead of hello which by the way, is irritating but you already know that since it’s my response.

1. I started reading romance books in high school. In middle school I was all about The Babysitter’s Club and Sweet Valley High. I discovered Harlequin Romance my freshman year one Saturday at the library and the rest as could say is history. Although I do read other books as well, romance is my favorite.
2. MY FAVORITE AUTHOR OF ALL IS A HUGE LIST THAT ONE TAKE ME FOREVER TO LIST. I’m not one of those readers who has a single favorite author. Although most of you already know how much I love Lani Lynn Vale. Others on my list include: Abbie Zanders, Celia Kyle, Willow Winters, Lexi Blake, Emily Minton, and so many more.
3. I didn’t read the Twilight series until after I saw the last movie on cable. I wanted to know what happened and instead of watching the movies I read the books. Much to my sister’s ire. She loved those books and is all about team Edward.
4. She also is super upset that I didn’t read the Fifty Shades books until after the movies and to be honest…..I didn’t like them either. Sorry but I have read others that I just liked so much more. Not to peeve anyone off but Christian Grey just didn’t do it for me.
5. I’m in love with Kindle Unlimited. It’s the truth, this program has allowed me to experience all sorts of new authors that I may not have taken a chance on.
6. I have no problem reading ménage. I will read pretty much any sub genre of romance book there is. For non-romance books, I have to really want to read it or be a fan of the author. They don’t have to be mainstream either.
7. I often read an entire book in one day. Depending on what is going on and I’m one of those people that read while they go potty. On a typical day I read two or three books. Although put me in a room without distractions and I could read the entire day without stop.
8. I have a problem with certain names in books. It’s true but it is mostly when the guy’s name is one of my brothers or someone close to me like that. I have a real hard time reading the sex scenes with one of my brother’s names being called out. My sister’s name is just as bad! So I will skip the name while reading. It is something my brain just does without me even thinking about. After all having your brother’s name or sister’s name in a menage is just plain weird. Those characters, regardless of how they are described will always look like your sibling to you.
7. I didn’t grow up reading Harry Potter. I grew up on Narnia and then later The Lord of the Rings. I have read all of the Harry Potter books and enjoyed them. I’m just a little too old to have grown up reading them. I enjoy the movie for those as well.
8. My childhood was just as magical without Harry Potter. There were far too many other worlds and places to visit. After all I discovered The Iliad when I was in the fourth grade while visiting an aunt. The magic and wonder of far off places and heroes exploded within me after that.
9. I set a book goal every year. This is something I started doing when I joined Goodreads. This year’s goal is 300 books. I’m ahead in the number of books I need to read each week so far.
10. I have no idea how many books I have read in my lifetime thus far. I have read more than two thousand in the last few years. I read way more than I watch television so that number could easily be in the millions by now. After all I am in my mid forties.

11. I was quoted on the back of a book once. That’s right, way back when I first began blogging i had another book blog and ended up being quotes. That’s me up there in the picture as Rita’s Book Blog. I got a signed copy of the book and all. It was very exciting for me.
12. I love writing book reviews! I enjoy that I bringing my thoughts to y’all. That you may discover a new author or book based on something I have written.
13. I love when people ask me for book recommendation. I do! I love that other people think I know enough about books to ask. I have a friend who always asks me what I’m reading at the moment and if she should give it a try. The fact that she truest me with giving her recommendations makes me super happy.
14. I judge books by their covers! Come on, we all are guilty of this. A cover will grab my attention and make me want to know more about it. I have read books in the past because I knew the model on the front or was a fan of the model. Yep! It happens from time to time.
15. When I go to the beach I always take an Agatha Christie book with me. She is beach reading author. I have no idea why but I do. Miss Marple and Poirot are my two favorite characters to get lost in. I have a couple of her radio shows on audio that we listen to when the power goes out.
16. I’ve dropped a book in the bathtub once. It was bad! I cried the entire time I was drying it out with the hair dryer. I no longer take books into the tub with me. Ever!
17. I hate when people turn down the corners of books or write in them. It makes me so angry! In fact, once when my nephew did both of those things my brother told him “Oh! You are in so much trouble. Aunt Rita is gonna be so mad.” He got the lectured on why we take care of and love our books.
18. I’m really shy in-real-life and am a bit socially awkward. I’m the chick that always has a book and is reading. Books make more sense to me and I get lost in them. Although, am do attempt to get better at being social. I’m awkward enough that I have sat the entire evening in a corner and no one really even remember that I was at the event.
19. I enjoy Audiobooks. I listen to them from time to time. I don’t listen to more because those babies are expensive. One or two of them from time to time is all that fits into my budget.
20. I took all of the children in my life on their first trip to the library and the book store! I did! With every single one, we walked into library and I told them “This is the happiest place on Earth! Here you can travel to unknown places and be anyone you want to be.” The bookstore is rather difficult with them all sometimes. Ten full bags and an overworked credit card is usually the result. Have you ever tried to carry ten bags of books. I’m talking those reusable bags too! Of course one bag (okay two) are mine. We don’t make a lot of trips to the bookstore. The library gives us a limit which works well for us.

21. I give books as Christmas gifts. Again, every child I buy gifts for always get at least one book. My entire Sunday school class gets a new book every year. If I know about a genre or author that someone enjoys I will get them those books. I can’t help it I want to spread my love of reading.
22. Genres I won’t read no matter what…….um… I’m thinking! I’m not a huge fan of horror (I like Stephen King though) or gore. So I will decline reading one that has a lot of that but I’m pretty open to most things.
23. Romance and all of it’s sub-genres is my favorite to read. That’s true. I love romance more than anything. There is just so much hope in someone getting their happily ever after.
24. I read Outlander long before it was a television show. I did! I was a fan of Outlander way back when it first hit the shelves. I enjoy the show but the books will always be a set of my favorites.
25. As much as I love books I don’t have a million copies. I will buy books and I always save those that were gifted to me from authors, signed copies, or my favorites. Other than that I tend to give my books away after I read them. My sister and sister in-laws along with some nieces all share the books we buy and read between us. When we have a pile we give them to the next person on the list. When they are done with them they pass them to the next person. When we have all read them then we donate them to various places. I f I kept all of the books I ever read I wouldn’t have anywhere to sleep. Although my kindle and nook are super full. We won’t talk about that.
I loved this so much! I only made it through book 1 of Outlander! I started watching the show after and have so many books on my to read list, I never got around to reading them all!
I loved the Outlander books! The series is great too and I love it as well. There is just so much more that goes on in the books.
“I discovered Harlequin Romance my freshman year one Saturday at the library and the rest as could say is history.”
It’s the same story with me. My BFF in 11th grade introduced me to romance paperbacks. Thanks for posting!
You are so welcome. I always love connecting with fellow romance lovers.
Awesome post! I can relate to a lot about you and YES! NEVER turn down the corners of a page!
YES!! That is such a no-no in my book.
Yeah, I’m no 50 Shades fan, either, lol. I don’t get it. The books were so badly written that I was laughing after a few pages and just tossed it.
It just wasn’t for me. Although keep watching because I will be sharing 10 Doms I liked better than Christian Gray and books that, in my opinion, are way better.
Enjoyed reading this post. I don’t like reading horror either.
Thank you. Yeah, horror is just too much for me.
I also read quickly!
It’s both a curse and an asset!
I read the lion the witch and the wardrobe!
LOVED it!! Still love it now as an adult.
I judge books by their covers. I do too and and if the cover isn’t interesting then I tend to keep looking.
I will as well. I don’t know why but I think it is just built into our dna.
Thanks for sharing! I feel the same way about the 50 Shades books and Twilight!
They just weren’t my cup of tea for some reason.
I started reading romance when I was 15 and have been hooked every since too! I loved your facts 🙂
Romance is just my favorite genre! I’m thrilled you love the facts. Thanks!
This is so awesome! We both have an affinity for paperback romances. And I agree…NEVER turn down page corners
Paperbacks rock! Nope, Never turn down page corners down or bend the spine.
love it sounds great
Thank you.
I also grew up reading the Narnia books! I loved reading your bookish facts 🙂
Love Narnia! I’m glad you like the facts.
This was such a fun post to read and as I was reading I was nodding my head yes, yes, yes. I too thought Fifty Shades of Grey was terrible and the movies were totally unwatchable! I too love listening to audio books as I drive a lot they are super expensive though so I check them out at the local library for free.
I’m so glad you thought it was fun. I check audio books out at the library as well. I have also won a few in author authors from time to time.
Thanks for sharing looking good
You are so welcome.
Thanks for sharing! On Twilight, the books were way better. Way. Way. Better.
I read the books, they just didn’t do it for me. I’m not sure why either. I know tons of people love them.
This was such a neat list! I judge books by their covers as well. I’m also shy and socially awkward.
Me too! Unless you get me talking about books chances are I’m the chick in the corner hiding and reading.
Such a great post to get to know you better. I am not a fan of FSoG either. I also love ménage, especially if there is an actually story around it.
I am so thrilled to know that there are other people who didn’t like that. Anytime I make a mention of it I get crucified it seems. I was nervous about putting that in the list but it is true. Menage with a story is awesome! I hate those when they are only about the sex. I want a real story with a good reason why there is a menage and how it works.
I’ve had my nose buried in books since I as a teenager and still love reading so much. I have passed this love onto my kids too.
I have loved books from the moment I picked one up. Way before I even learned to read. Books have always been my world.
My secret enjoyment is listening to book reviews or “bad” books and series, talking about all the things wrong with the books, one of my favorites was the 50 shades series, issues with the plot and characters made it laughable.
I can see how that could be fun.
I discovered romance books in middle school (Harlequin), only skimmed the first Harry Potter, and haven’t read Twilight, Fifty Shades, or Outlander. Noticed the last 3 books are 1st pov and I have a hard time immersing myself in first-person fiction.
I love romance books! I sometimes have trouble with 1st person povs. I always hate with there are both the hero and the heroine’s pov and there is no clear way of knowing who is talking. That has happened in a few books lately and I will put those right down.
I am guilty of judging books by their covers too. It is difficult to read through all the books so I usually browse through titles and book covers when I am at the library or in store. Online it is easier to search by genres and subjects that interest you, but in person I definitely go by intriguing covers.
Books are usually better than the movies in my opinion. Sometimes I rather watch a movie before reading a book so that I can enjoy the movie better. Sometimes reading the book then watching a movie leads to disappointment when the film adaption changes things or can’t hold a candle to the book.
I think we are all guilty of judging a book by its cover. The cover is what grabs our attention to begin with, what makes us want to know more. I like most books over the movies. With books you get so much more than you could ever get with a movie. Little things that can be important tend to be overlooked in the movies.
This is a great list. I like your book goal fact the most.
Thank you so much!
I also hate seeing people fold the pages of books in! And I love that you posted this!
That just makes me so angry. I mean I will give you a piece of paper to mark your page. There is nothing worse than getting a book from the library that someone has abused like this.
I adore Agatha Christie! My favorite Miss Marple book is at my elbow as I type this lol.
Miss Marple is my spirit animal! Agatha Christie is one of my all time favorite mystery writers. She is simple one of the best.
Great post. I too am guilty of judging a book by it’s cover. Most times that how I choose the next book to read. So far I’ve been happy with my choices.
Me too! Only a few times have I been disappointed.
Thanks for the enjoyable facts I to do not like turned corners or writing in my books and read all genres a good story is a good story no matter the type .
I’m open to most genres. There are a some I just can’t read. Although that is true for some books in genres I love. I had one recently that after a particular scene I couldn’t bring myself to go any further. I was just too much.
I tried to read 5o shades but too long and I lost interest. My whole family are avid readers.
It just wasn’t my cup of tea.
I enjoyed reading your bookish facts!
The one I love best is that you took all the kids to a library. It is absolutely the most magical, safe place for me–like home. I’ve always brought my children, and now my grandchildren, to the library. They all love books, too.
There is no better place on Earth! I will never forget the first time I ever stepped foot into a library, it was one of the most magical moments of my life.
I love books too – all genres, fiction and nonfiction. My first job at 16 was working for a library and I loved it. I like reading book before seeing the movie because movies usually lose the details that the books have. Great Post!
Thank you. How lucky are you that you got to work in a library. It is a job I would have loved to have had.
interesting list of facts
Thank you.
Impressive list I know many readers will like to see.
Thank you so much.
This was a fun read – thanks for sharing!
Thank you and you are so welcome.
I got a stack of books in the wannaread one day but I never get to the beach. I wish oh I wish.
I didn’t go until the first time a couple of years ago. So keep wishing because you never know.
Thanks for telling us more about you. I agree with no books near the bathtub.
Drop one only one single time and you will certainly learn your lesson.
I love that you were so honest! I also hate when people turn down the corners of books.
Thank you and yep that is a no-no in my book.
I really enjoyed reading this post about you. I wish I could read a book a day!
Thank you. Reading a book a day is something I learned to do more out of the need to get all the reading I could in rather than always having the time. I have always had a thirst for reading and it seemed to be one of those things that just came so easily for me.
Interesting list! I love thrillers but don’t like horror/gore myself but I do love Stephen King. I never really understood setting a goal of how many books to read. I know that is a common thing among readers but I have always wondered why. To me, reading is just a pure pleasure and not something I want to count.
I never set a goal until a couple of years ago. I blame Goodreads and I only count the books that end up logged in over there. Since Nooks books have to manually counted I admit I may not always list them as being read. My kindle syncs with Goodreads. A part of it is challenging myself and the other is simple curiosity about the number of books I actually read each year.
I loved this! I started reading everything in sight at 9! We had a book mobile stop by my home every week during the summer! I loved it! Plus at school I spent a lot of time in the library. Was a blast when my mom took me to college with her one summer for a week! I was so thrilled that she shared a room with our Librarian!
If there was nothing to read around I would try reading my Moms favorite books in her small bookcase. A girl from the Limberlost is one!
Thanks so much for sharing this with us!
I love that! I always love talking with other readers and book lovers about the books they read.
These are super interesting! I’m sure you will reach 300 books by the end of the year. Reading is a nice escape so I understand how you like to read throughout the day.
Thank you. It relaxes me and allows me to travel the galaxy and beyond.
I was surprised at how much I related to you! I’m bookmarking you and will definitely be reading your blogs again!
Thank you so much! I look forward to connecting with you more.
Thats a lot of books to read My goal is 20 I would love to have a kindle
Well make sure you stay tuned because I give them away from time to time.
It’s nice to get to know more about you.
Thank you so much!
Wow.. I loved getting to know you!! I’m utterly boring compared.
I bet you aren’t as boring as you think. I think I am super boring.
I read very quickly, so I Love Kindle Unlimited too! We used to have a bookstore about an hour from here that traded used books 2 for 1. You could bring 2 bags at a time. The woman who worked there asked me if I had even read the books I traded, because they were in such good shape. Some of those were a subscription I had to Harlequin Historicals! My best friend in High school and I traded Harlequins with each other and her grandmother when we finished them.
Used book stores are the best. We have an antique shop in our little town that sells used books. The lady there always calls me when she gets new ones she thinks I might like. Kindle Unlimited is a godsend to me.
I also like the Kindle Unlimited. It is so nice.
Your list is very similar to mine!! I bet in real life, we would be besties!! I loved reading your “getting to know you”.
Book Fact about me, I named my youngest daughter after a character in a book. I read almost every day too, and can usually read an entire book in a day. I consider reading as part of my therapy.
Interesting.. good to see so many nice facts.
I don’t like 50 Shades of Grey either. I thought it was cringey and badly written. I also thought it was gross and abusive. Nothing wrong with BDSM kink but Christian Grey is manipulative, controlling, and a stalker. I feel like it romanticizes typical behaviors that abusers have.
I loved reading your post. I also loved the Narnia series, and was forced to read the Twilight series by my sister lol I am the same way about names in books lol
Great list! I can certainly relate to these facts, especially never writing in a book or dog-earring corners, to me that’s like breaking a cardinal sin 🙂
I love that we all have different tastes in books, there is something for everyone! I LOVE Stephen King, have never read a Harry PoTTer book, and yet we have so much in common!