Welcome to the Halloween 2021 Giveaway!
If you follow me over at Rita Reviews then you already know that I will be one one of these giveaways each month for the rest of the year. Since it the big three holidays I figured why not. I enjoy them and so do y’all. I had planned on doing just one large one and letting it ride on each blog.
However I decided to split the cash and do a smaller (but still large) on each blog. That way the blogs each get plenty of loving and there ends up with a winner from each blog rather than just one overall. I thought I would honestly keep this post pretty short. I am sharing, each Friday, with y’all my favorite paranormal books.
On top of that I don’t really watch a lot of scary movies or anything. My mother does but I tend to leave the room when they are on. They aren’t my thing. In fact, horror, is typically the one genre that I will not read. Although I do make an exception for Stephen King. I read his books way back when I was young and more fearless. Now, I will read some of his but I tend to go for lighter things.

I so love watching scary movies this time of year. I like to rewatch The Shinning, Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street to name a few. I haven’t really read any scary books lately but that is a good idea. I mostly like to read romance and mystery books.
I hope I win and thank you for sponsoring this giveaway.
I’m going to see Halloween Kills tonight with some of my “mom friends”! We like to try to watch scary movies this time of year!
I love anything Horror…like really scary stuff, the gorey stuff and sinister stuff…They’re all awesome to watch reach…keeps you on the edge…i read them watch tv shows and movies…horror, thriller& Suspense…
Be careful…Someones behind you…👻👹😈🤡😱
Anything Stephen King!
I don’t read scary books but do like movies. Movies like Nightmare on Elm Street and (even though not scary) Hocus Pocus.
I like It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
hocus pocus
thank you so much
Not a fan of scary movies, but I tend to read a good thriller or vampire book in October 🙂
My family loves horror movies and I love to read Stephen King. Currently watched Trick R Treat and Candy Man.
Also enjoying the TV show The Stand.
I love watching scary movies this time of the year. I like ghost/haunting movies and thrillers.
Hocus pocus
I dont really have any favorites. I do like to watch It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown with ny grandkids.
I like watching Scary Movie 1 and 2 for Halloween. I haven’t read any scary books.
I like It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.
I love watching all the horror movies from my youth & Beetlejuice.
I like Charlie Brown & the animated Nightmare Before Christmas!
hocus pocus all day, every day. my absolute fav!
I do like the scary movies. I also enjoy the ones that combine comedy with silly scary- Scream, Beetlejuice, etc. Our family loves to pop lots of popcorn and watch movies together this time of year!
We watch Hocus Pocus and we always watch the Halloween movies.
I rarely watch scary movies, so. I usually watch a random one that a cable channel is showing….but during the day. I don’t do scary at night
Harry Potter series and the Saw franchise make it for me 💯
I have watched may already… like The Shining, Halloween, The Last house on the left, Ma and Witch craft so far. LOL
I love horror books and flicks year round. We especially watch more horror movies than usual this time of year. One of my new favorites is Ready Or Not. Must watch and I laughed oh so much too.
My favorite movie this time of year is hocus pocus.
My daughter and I love reading scary books and watching scary movies!
I like watching the old classic Halloween movies this time of year.
I am not really a fan of horror movies so I tend to avoid them this time of year
I love Nightmare on Elm street movies.
I typically read at least one scary book around this time and watch a couple of scary movies.
I enjoy watching scary movies like Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer at Halloween.
As a single working mom and teacher who works 12-14 hours a day, I often do not have a lot of time to enjoy a good book; but, whenever I get a free moment to myself, I love to read historical regency romances, chilling thrillers, or suspenseful mysteries. I appreciate thorough bloggers like yourself who take the time to get to know authors and their most interesting reads; so, that I can just go straight to their books with very little research needed!! Please consider me for the win… I could really use the money and I need some new fab reads!!
I prefer something non scary to watch for Halloween like a Charlie Brown Special or a Disney special! I do NOT like horror or scary movies or books!
I like to watch American Horror story to celebrate Halloween.
I like the HalloweenTown movies. I don’t really watch scary movies. I love It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown every year.
I love watching Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street.
Not Halloween without watching Hocus Pocus
I know it is basic, but the nightmare before Christmas is an all-time fave. It still holds up so well.
We enjoy watching The nightmare before Christmas
Around Halloween time I love watching The Shining.
My all time favorite scary show!
Oh we are very excited to watch It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown tonight on TV! We watched The Dog That Saved Halloween last night….really enjoyed it! We love watching any of the movies that are funny!
These days I am enjoying Halloween movie classics like Hocus Pocus and Ghostbusters!
I LOVE a mystery book; but am a chicken for scary movies – Beetlejuice is about as scary as I like 🙂
Every Halloween I love to watch Hocus Pocus, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and the Conjouring movies!
I like to watch Hocus Pocus and Halloweentown! I also love spooky decorations!!
I do not enjoy any horror or scary books and that is what I usually see as far as Halloween books. I have never been afraid to stay by myself but if I read these type books I do not think I could stay by myself comfortably even knowing they are just books.
I don’t really like scary books or movies, but I enjoy everything fall themed!
I just checked out Hocus Pocus from the library and will watch it this weekend.
Thanks for the contest.
Love to watch hocus pocus
I don’t really have a favorite. We just like any scary movies for Halloween.
I’m not a big fan of scary movies. My favorite movie this time of year is Hocus Pocus.
I always watch Hocus Pocus, Halloween, and Ghostbusters. I love this time of year!
I like old old black & white scary movie and the same type of books.
I don’t go for anything that’s specifically Halloween themed, I just like good horror like The Shining.
I always enjoyed watching It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown when the kids were young.
I love me some good old Stephen King this time of year.
I like the old Hammer horror films.
I always read a Stephen King novel around Halloween. First scary books I ever read and the feeling has stuck.
I like watching Hocus Pocus and reading Edgar Allen Poe around Halloween.
I love Nightmare Before Christmas! Makes people debate whether it is a Halloween or Christmas movie. I say it is both!
I don’t read or watch scary things as much I used to when I was younger. But I used to read a lot of Stephen King. One of my favorites was The Shining. Now I prefer the more tame halloween movies like Disney’s Hocus Pocus lol.
I love all the old really scary movies from the 1930s & 40s – the original Dracula, Frankensten, and Cat People.
I love picking up the “Best of Horror” books this time of year. Great short stories with different takes on getting spooked in the night.
I love watching The Nightmare Before Christmas on Halloween!
Hocus Pocus!
I like watching Tucker and Dale vs Evil.
28 Days Later is my favorite movie this time of year.
I love anything by Stephen King but I love a lot of scary authors
i always enjoy Hocus POcus with the kiddos! Sometimes we catch The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown on Tv!
I like to watch new horror movies for October but it rarely happens. The Conjuring movies are usually high on my Halloween watch list. This year I watched a couple of series over the month, Midnight Mass on Netflix and Chapelwaite on Epix.
I don’t like to be scared so I watch Casper on Halloween with my nieces.
I love Stephen King, great website.
scary=wrong turn
I’m like you,horror or scary movies and/or books are not my thing. When I was younger I saw the movie The Birds & that did it for me! At age 61, I’m such a “scardy cat” that I haven’t even watched The Exorcist Exorcist yet!
My all time fav is pet cemetery, not huge into scary books though.
I ejoy both th Halloween and Friday the 13th franchises .
I don’t really like scary movies but I do enjoy reading a good psychological thriller.
Scary images stay with me for a long time, so I tend to stick to fun/spooky movies like Hocus Pocus, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Halloweentown!
Horror and Sci-Fi. Soon I’ll be getting in to some holiday themed books for Christmas!
Practical Magic, Hoccus Poccus & the Harry Potter movies. 🧡
I love mysteries and thrillers all the time, but they’re even better around Halloween. I’m also a big fan of the movie Cry Wolf.
I like to waych the Classic Halloween movies, such as, Nightmare on Elmstreet, Halloween, IT and Carrie.
My all time fav is pet cemetery, not huge into scary books though.
I break out Nightmare Before Christmas and Hocus Pocus every Halloween!
I love the Micheal Myers movies!
don’t really have any favorite books i like to read for Halloween. As far as movies, i like a lot of scary ones. As far as Halloween-ish movies, the movies with Michael Myers in them, Chucky from tons of Child Play movies. There are a ton of suspenseful movies that are great to watch around Halloween
I love Queen of the Damned
None. I don’t like Halloween or scary movies.
I love halloween but am not a big fan of alot of the scary movies.
I love watching the fun Halloween type movies, Hocus Pocus & Beetlejuice 🙂
nightmare on elm street
I like to watch Hocus Pocus.
I like to binge on the old Dark Shadows TV series
I use to love scary movies. But now I watch Gremlins or Ghostbusters.
Nightmare on Elm Street is on repeat over here
Love ghostbusters movie! I’m not really into horror movies.
i love horror movies like Halloween, Nightmare on elm street, jeepers creepers, etc
Every year I have to watch It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. It’s my favourite Halloween show.
A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Conjuring, The Lost Boys, The Shining, Let The Right One In, Poltergeist are definitely a must see this time of the year.
Haunted Kansas: Heitz, Lisa Hefner is one of my favorites for this time of year. Nothing like some legendary stories from the area to set the mood.
I will read a lot of mystery books and watch the Scary movie franchise.