I have been working on constructing things and updating a few things. One of the biggest issues or problems I have had is whether or not to have a sidebar. for those who don’t know a sidebar is all of that stuff over in the right hand side of the post you are reading. After looking at several popular book blogs, I noticed that they do not have sidebars. while there are plenty of others who do. I have waffled back and forth on this for a long time now. Finally, I didn’t bring it to you as y’all are the ones who see the sidebar the most.
Pros of a Sidebar
With a sidebar, I can list things like giveaways and books I will be reading. There is a lot of information that I don’t have to post in a long, drawn out post for you to see. I can also advertise in ads there, which I currently use to make a small amount of money to keep this blog going. I will admit that I struggle with what to put in the sidebar from time to time. Another would be less clutter on the blog itself. You would click and post and only have that post to read. There wouldn’t be anything else.
Cons of a Sidebar
I have always had a sidebar, so I am thinking that the cons are not as easy to describe. There wouldn’t be anything there. The space would just be empty. For little things, I would have to do a full post or a social media post. Giveaways wouldn’t be shown there anymore. It’s just empty whitespace. That scares me more than you can know.
So, the big question is, do y’all want the sidebar or not?
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Bea LaRocca says
Good morning, Rita, I hope that the day finds you well. I absolutely love your sidebar and you do a great job with it! Your Welcome intro, Newsletter signup, the search option, current and upcoming book releases and of course the current and upcoming giveaways are just the things that everyone visiting your blog should see and if there are product or affiliate links that you’d like to share there as well, that would be awesome! Many blogs that I visit do this through pop-ups which is truly annoying when I am trying to read a post or read a review or enter a giveaway. Of course I understand and support a Blogger’s need to generate income to support their site but sharing those sources that pop=up at the top, side or bottom of a post that I am trying to read only frustrates me whereas sharing all of those things in the sidebar means that I can scroll at my leisure and click on anything that interests me or is relevant to my needs. I love your Blog just the way it is and want you to know that it is one of my favorite blogs because of the way that you have formatted it.
Eva Millien says
I like having the sidebar, one because it helps me keep up with the giveaways,, but I also like seeing what you are reading and for little things like that why would you want to write an entire post~ So my vote is keep it!
Adriane says
I like the sidebar – easy to navigate!
Kari B says
I like the sidebar. You don’t have to scroll all the way to the top to navigate to a different page. There are things that peak my interest and I click on it quickly through the side bar.
Shirley O says
I really like the sidebar. I find it helpful to navigate.
bn100 says
fine with it
Ashley Parks says
I used to keep up with the giveaways through the sidebar, but I’ve been going through the monthly email for them recently. So I don’t mind either way.
Sherry says
I really like the sidebar. It makes it easier to find everything.
Kim Kern says
I really like the sidebar.
heather says
I so love the sidebar and look at it daily, I would be lost without it please keep it.
Melanie B says
I’m okay with having a sidebar.
Susan Smith says
I like the sidebar. It’s an easy way to see what giveaways that are going on. I love the big graphics for the giveaways too.
paige chandler says
I like a sidebar. always
Abigail Gibson says
I like the sidebar
Ann Fantom says
The sidebar is very nice. I vote keep it
David Hollingsworth says
I’m just entering the giveaway.
Barbara Montag says
I like having a side bar.
Natalie says
I could go either way. I think a sidebar is nice as long as it is not too cluttered.
Debbi Wellenstein says
Personally, I like a sidebar. All the information I need/want at a glance.
Elaine G says
I like the sidebar. It is easier to find things instead of trying to hunt them down behind tabs.
Ellie Wright says
Personally I love the sidebar. I hate having to search blogs for links to the content I want to read. The ones with a sidebar, like yours, keep me coming back because of the ease of use. I find myself not visiting the blogs that take too much work to find the latest posts.
Cynthia C says
I like easily finding information in a sidebar. I think it saves time.
Soozle says
I find it easier to navigate a site with a sidebar – definitely FOR them!
sandra says
i took like the sidebar for giveaways and quick links
Carolyn D says
I like the sidebar with the current reads, upcoming releases, and giveaways.
Linda says
I find the sidebar makes navigating easier.
CB says
I think the sidebar make it easier to navigate the website. I would keep it just the way it is!
jason jennings says
love the side bar
Judy Gregory says
It really depends. Sometimes the author gets in her/his own way.
Tracie Cooper says
I love it!