This year I decided to do something a little different. I will be showcasing 3 authors each month. Y’all gave me so many wonderful authors that I wanted to include as many as possible. It meant I had to change completely how I was doing things and let me tell you that was not easy.
Before where I just shared three books and a little about the author wouldn’t work as well now. It would mean the posts would be far too long. So, I shortened it all up just a bit to make sure that things read a little better for y’all.

Lani Lynn Vale
I can’t believe I haven’t showcased Lani Lynn Vale before now! I mean is is one of my all-time favorite authors and I haven’t had her as an author f the month yet. What an oversight on my part.
There are so many books and honestly breaking it down to just four was not easy. I am a huge LLV fan if you didn’t already know. So, I decided to share four of my favorites with you. Each book is linked to my review so you will know how I feel about them.
As I said this is just a very small number of the books that Lani Lynn Vale has written. Pretty much every single month I share her newest book that I always enjoy. She is one of my all time favorite authors.
M.C. Beaton
I haven’t read any of M. C. Beaton’s books as of yet. However, I love the television shows that were created from them if that counts at all. Agatha Raisin is one of my favorite detectives and Hamish Macbeth always makes for an interesting afternoon.
There is a new Agatha Raisin book however, Marion Chesney (a.k.a. M.C. Beaton) died in 2019, but her series has been continued by the author’s good friend, R. W. Green. So that is how the new books are coming out.
The books listed above are now on my to be read list and I went ahead and ordered them. I am very interested in how they different they are from the shows. I am certain I will get hooked on the Agatha Raisin ones.
Diana Gabaldon
If you follow me on either of the blogs you know I love Outlander. I mean the show and the books are both so wonderful. I can’t believe I haven’t featured Diana Gabaldon before now.
Her work is something that many of you already know and love. If you are someone who hasn’t read anything by her then I highly recommend it. While it is a romance there is so much more to it than that. It’s a romance, historical, sci-fi, and fantasy all rolled into one. It is certainly one those series that doesn’t fit into any one genre.
I have read all of these and loved each and every one of them. I love all of her work and when I want to fall into a series and just get lost this is the one that I do it in.
- iPad + 5 Books from Any of the 3 Authors of Your Choice + $25 Amazon Gift Card {Grand Prize- 1 Winner}
- 5 from Any of the 3 Authorsof Your Choice + $25 Amazon Gift Card {1 Winner}
- $25 Amazon Gift Card {2 Winners}
Outlander definitely interests me!
Outlander definitely looks interesting.
M.C. and Lani Lynn both look right up my alley! Thank you for introducing them!
I dont have a favorite from the authors, but M.C. Beaton sounds wonderful! Death of the Green Eyed Monster caught my eye
MC Beaton sounds like the kind of author I would enjoy!
Can’t pick just one book but Bear Bottom Guardians MC, Souls Chapel Revenants MC and Battle Crows MC series were simply amazing.
Our Lady of Pain because I love murder mysteries
Anything by M.C. Beaton is always on my list!
M.C. Beaton’s Devil’s Delight looks like a book I would enjoy. I love detective and mysteries series.
Outlander looks interesting.
The Lani Lynn Vale books sound good. Never read her before.
I’ve read all of Diana Gabaldon’s work, completely amazing.
I would love to read Outlander!
I’d really like to read Outlander!
I want to read Outlander and Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone.
no fav, not really interested in either
M.C Beaton’s books are right up my alley.
Outlander was an amazing book I loved it so much I have still not watched the show afraid it will not live up to the book.
I too would love to read Outlander and see how it differs from the show. I bet the book is amazing.
Thank you for the opportunity 🙇
I don’t have a favorite book from any of these authors as of yet but I have read so many of your reviews of Lani Lynn Vale’s stories over the years that most of her books are on my kindle and or TBR pile and I plan to read at least some of them this year. I love the Outlander TV series and would love to read the books that inspired it. M.C. Beaton is a new author to me but I enjoy reading a good mystery from time to time and I hope to check out some of the featured stories as well
I would love to read Outlander, I haven’t watched the show yet but I love reading a book and then watching the series
never trust the living sounds interesting
I haven’t read anything from these authors, but Our Lady of Pain sounds interesting!
Thank you for the giveaway – I love Outlander 🙂
Our Lady of Pain would be my first pick.
Diana Gabaldon’s books interest me – because I love the Outlander series on tv! Would love to read that series and others by her as well!
The Death of the Green-Eyed Monster book interests me.
Definitely interested in Outlander
Devils delight sounds good
Definitely anything Outlander, I love the show and I’m currently listening to the audiobook and it is amazing, I love it! Now I want to read the whole series.
The Outlander series has been on my “to read” list for awhile. M.C. Beaton looks interesting and I may have to investigate those at a later date.
I haven’t read of other books before. Any of the M. C. Beaton’s books sounds interesting as I enjoy reading mysteries.
I love Sarah Dessen novels
Intrigued in Go Tell the Bee’s that I’m Gone. I haven’t read one of the books before.
Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone looks interesting.
I was intrigued by the bio of M.C. Beaton so I am definitely going to check out her books! Looking forward to getting to know Agatha Raisin.
I would love to read this book. Sounds perfect to curl up with on a cold, winter evening!
Quiche of Death!
I love mystery novels so M.C. Beaton’s books sounds just like my cup of tea.
I am an Outlander fan
A breath of snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon interests me greatly
Outlander is a fave and new to the others
I know it may be a common answer but I truly loved Outlander! I’m one of the few who enjoy it when books get made into movies or tv shows! Getting to see it come to life, even just loosely is wonderful!
I love mysteries and will definitely look into the MC Beaton titles listed here.
Outlander is an awesome show so I’d start there.
I don’t have a favorite author, but Diana Gabaldon’s books definitely interest me. I’d start with “Don’t Tell the Bees That I Am Gone.”
I haven’t read any of these books (yet!), so thank you for highlighting them! I think Our Lady Of Pain sounds like a book I would be interested in reading. =)
Outlander looks great.
I would love to read Outlander.
Outlander is my favorite.
I am most interested in the Outlander. I just love the show.
I’m not sure to call anyone as a favorite writer but this year I’m committing to read the whole Outlander series and on #2 right now.
Wow, I didn’t know that Diana Gabaldon had a degree in Marine Biology (I do also). I’ve seen the outlander tv show, but haven’t read the books. Need to read the books cause tv shows always change stuff and don’t include things from the books.
Devil’s Delight looks good!
Wowza great contest!
Devils Delight by MC Beaton looks like a great read!
I have not read any of them but I do have to say I would like to read “Our Lady of Pain.”
M.C Beaton’s books sound really interesting and amusing. I’ll have to check out some of the titles!
Our Lady of Pain
I, too, would be interested to read Outlander–haven’t watched the show yet, so perfect!
I do not have one just yet,
Outlander looks good!
Have not read any, but Go tell the bees that I am Gone caught my attention.
The M.C. Beaton books would be a delight to read for me.
I think the Quiche of Death sounds interesting
I dont have a favorite yet I must read them all to decide
Honestly, I never read the book, but love the series. So I would have to say that if I could take the chance to read Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, it probably be wonderful! I enjoy the show so much and hope they keep bringing more of this historical-style drama. It sounds like the book would also be marvelous.
Go tell the bees I am gone looks good.
Outlander is one of my favourites!
I’m interested in a book by Diana Gabaldon. I like how her books fall under different genres, that intrigues me.
I have not read any of these, but the Quiche of Death definitely caught my attention!
I think I’d enjoy the MC Beaton novels!
Outlander was really good. My sister had the the series of books by Diana Gabaldon packed in a box for me but they were accidentally given away when she moved. Would love to read A Breath of Snow and Ashes. Thanks for the chance!
Love the “Hamish Macbeth” novels!
I am interested in A Breath of Snow & Ashes
I really enjoy Diana Gabaldon’s books. I am looking forward to reading some more of the Outlander series.
I haven’t read any books by these authors yet, but The Outlander and The Quiche of Death look interesting!
I haven’t read any books by these authors yet, but The Outlander and The Quiche of Death look interesting!
I haven’t read any books by these authors yet, but The Outlander and The Quiche of Death both look interesting!
I haven’t read any books by these authors yet, but The Outlander and The Quiche of Death both look interesting! I’d like to read those next.
go tell the bees I am gone is up my alley.
I have greatly enjoyed ‘Go Tell the Bees I am Gone”
I read all the Outlander books before they were on TV. The best!
Diana Gabaldon. I also love Outlander, but have somehow yet to read the books. It’s time for sure.
Outlander is in my to read list.
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
I don’ t have favorites, but based on the info I thought that “Never Trust the Living Sounds” would be a good one to read.
I’ve never read Gabaldon, but I’m intrigued to try it.
I would enjoy reading Our Lady of Pain!
Haven’t read any yet, but am interested in all!!
Sadly, I haven’t read any of them yet, but I’d first like to read Outlander and Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone. 🙂
Gotta say Outlander seems just my style!
Outlander looks like an interesting read.
I love Twilight series!
Go Tell The Bees I Am Gone is on my list
I would love to check out Devils Delight. I love a fun mystery!
‘Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone’ by Diana Gabaldon seems like an interesting read to me.
Outlander was a great book! I love to read Lani Lynn Vale books.
Death of a Green Eyed Monster sounds great, ok.. I just really love the color and the cat! These all sound like such great reads!
Outlander looks pretty interesting to read.
The M.C Beaton books look fun
Outlander looks good! I’d read them all though
I have read Outlander and it is one of my favorites!! I want to reread it!
I’ve never heard of these authors but Hissy Fit looks like a great book I’d love to read because I love sports romances!
Outlander seems eye catching!
Outlander seems quite interesting
I found the M.C. Beaton through the Agatha Raisin series, loved cozying down to read those!
Our Lady of Pain sounds interesting. Thank you
The Lani Lynn Vale book sounds very sexy!
Oh my goodness this would be such a great win with great reads!!!
I haven’t read any of these so I don’t have a favorite but Outlander looks interesting to me.
Death of a Green Eyed Monster looks like a fun read.
I have Outlander on my to watch list. Most of the time, I will read the book before watching, and this really looks good. Going to read this one during winter and start the series in the spring.
Outlander looks really good!
I love Lani Lynn Vale. I am huge fan! 🙂
no, but Diana Gabaldon’s covers really get my attention
I haven’t read any of Diana Gabaldon’s books, but I’ve watched all of the Outlander episodes.
M.C. Beaton sounds like an author I would enjoy reading.
Devils Delight. Mystery fan
Diana Gabaldons Outlander is one of my favorite books. I have read it three times.
Any of the books featured by M.C. Beaton look interesting
I know wee bit about Outlander and think I’d like to give it a try… definitely sounds interesting and a lil spicy!
I love the MC Beaton books and want to read Death of a Green-Eyed Monster
Outlander. Thank you.
Outlander is such a great series!
I would love to read M.C. Beaton , love detectives!
Outlander is my favorite of the ones mentioned. Love that entire series!
It’s interesting that a new author took over after Chesney passed. Nice.
Quiche of Death is one I’d love to read.
Outlander is definitely my choice. Thanks for the giveaway!
I have put reading to the side for a few months. One of my goals is to read more this year. I am ready to make reading a priority again. The one book that caught my eye was Quiche of Death. It sounds interesting.
I really enjoyed this and look forward to February’s three authors in your spotlight. I think this month, I may check out Diane Gabaldon. I have been meaning to see who the author of Outlander is!
Love the Outlander series!
Our Lady of Pain
They are all new to me authors. The books from Diana Gabaldon sound like I would enjoy them.
I would love to start outlander
I’d like to read Death of a Green Eyed Monster
A breath of Snow and Ashes looks like a must read! Thanks for hosting this!
I read Outlander by Diana Gabaldon when it originally came out in 1991 – and was even lucky enough to meet her!
I loved the Outlander series. I sill have to read Go Tell the Bees I am Gone.
Outlander is one of my favorite books. 📚
I still haven’t read outlander, but I’ve heard good things.
Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone really interests me. Thank you
Haven’t read Outlander but watched all of the episodes on STARZ
I would love to read The Quiche of Death!
The Quiche of Death interests me!
I tend to read biographies or quirky historical books (like Agent Zigzag: A True Story of Nazi Espionage, Love, ….) Right now I have a stack of books to catch up on as I fell off the reading bandwagon last year
I have never read these authors before but am defiently interested in reading “Devil’s Delight”
The Quiche of Death interests me.
From the description of the book HISSY FIT, it looks like something I would be interested in reading.
I like time travel and history novels so A Breath Of Snow And Ashes sounds like something I would want to read.
a breath of snow and ashes defo!
I dont have a favorite from these authors but I’d be very interested to read Devil’s Delight by M.C. Beaton
I’va watched the Outlander series, but not yet read the books – I’d like to though!
Outlander definitely looks interesting.
The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon is one of my favorites.
Very much a fan of M. C. Beaton…rather posh…and tis a fair delight to revisit the highlands.
I would like to read Outlander next.
I’d like to read A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon.
Outlander looks amazing
Haven’t read any of these, and none really catches my attention. Not the type of genres I’m interested in.
Diana Gabaldon’s A Breath of Snow and Ashes interests me.
I love the show Outlander and have been wanting to read the book.
devils delight looks great
I love all the books in the Outlander series.
I’m excited to read Highway Don’t Care
I’ve been meaning to read Diana Gabaldon but haven’t had the time yet. I would start with A Breath of Snow and Ashes
Our Lady of Pain looks interesting 🙂
I have always loved Agatha Raisin mysteries by MC Beaton. I have not read the newest ones since she passed. I would love to check them out.
I love the Hamish Macbeth series by M.C. Beaton!
Thanks for sharing this – great book choices!
M.C. Beaton’s Death of a Green-Eyed Monster looks like an interesting read.
The quich of death book sounds so interesting. I love a good murder mystery.
Devils delight looks interesting
love em all
I haven’t read any of them, so a good project for the new year! Going to start with Death of a Green-Eyed Monster.
I do not have a favorite from these offers but I would like to read some of their works.
I would like to read Hail Mary by Lani Lynn Vale
My favorite book is Outlander by Diana Gabaldon 🙂
Go tell the Bees that I am gone-Does interest me.
I think Hissy Fit by Lani Lynn Vale looks good.
I would like to read Outlander by Diane Gabaldon.
I would love to read devils delight . I’m a huge mystery and thriller fan .
I’d love to read Devil’s Delight!
No favorites here, but these all look great. Especially interested in Diana G’s works. Will definitely be giving them a read.
I’d like to read Devil’s Delight
Outlander is my favorite <3
Hail Mary sounds great
Outlander is the one that interests me the most. Thanks!
The Quiche of Death looks fascinating. I love the cover.
I would love to read the Quiche of Death.
The quiche of death sounds intriguing
Outlander sounds good.
Outlander is the only one I’ve read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I think I’d love to read any other of hers. Breath of snow and ashes sounds intriguing. I wouldn’t mind reading it.
I am looking for some new reads!
I’ve watched some episodes of the Agatha Raisin series, but still need to read MC Beaton!
I am not familair with these authors but would love to read Our Lady Pain.
no but they all look good
I’ve read several Agatha Raisins, and a Christmas Hamish. I’ve enjoyed this author so far (as I think her books in my TBR pile attests to 😉 ).
Thank you for the giveaway!
I’d say M C Beaton. I also enjoyed the Hamish tv show, and several of her series have sounded so good when I’ve shopped for them for my mom 😉 .
I would enjoy reading Never Trust the Living.
As I am not familiar with any of these authors,.
Definitely the Outlander series! I am also a huge fan of the show!!!! ♥
I really want to read The Quiche of Death!
Thank you for sharing 🙂
Outlander looks to be an interesting Read. Great Giveaway . Thank You Kindly.
Outlander sounds interesting.
Outlander sounds interesting because I’ve heard so much about it!
I have not read any but heard that outlander was good
I am interested in Outlander.
Outlander is great!
I haven’t read any of them yet, but I would love to
outlander sounds interesting
Diana Gabaldon is my fave so far, excellent writer!
Outlander is on my TBR!
I like Outlander.
I don’t have a favorite, but A Breath Of Snow And Ashes has caught my eye several times before and I’ve just never started it!
Diana Gabaldon Go Tell The Bees That I am Gone is next on my list!
I have seen commercials for the Outlander television series, and it looked so interesting that I can’t help but choose the Outlander book!
Out of the three my favorite author is M. C. Beaton. I love her Agatha Raisin series and she has a great series of Regency books.
Lord John looks like the one I would pick up first.
I would love to read the Outlander book. I have never read it but the shows look great.
I have not read any of these books but I think I would enjoy the Lani Lynn Vale books.
A Breath of Snow and Ashes sound very interesting.
I would like to read Never Trust the Living.
death of a green eyed monster sounds interesting!
Outlander is my favorite.
I would love to read Go tell the Bees I am Gone! <3
Outlander looks good!
MC Beaton seems like an interesting book to read.
love to read outlander! awesome
Outlander definitely is interesting
Outlander looks very interesting to read.
Never Trust the Living sounds like an interesting read.
I love the Agatha Raisin books!
The Quiche of Death—gotta love a punny title!
Outlander for me! Thanks for sharing!!
I must say..they all look interesting . Might read them all!
I love everything Jennifer Ashley has published. My favorite is ‘Mackenzies & McBrides’ book series.