We are back again with a list of backlist books that some of our favorite authors have written. this month we have several great books and please let me know if you have read any of these. I would love to know what y’all think of them if you have.
I will say that only two of the books on this month’s list were selected by me. All of the others are from you guys. Y’all gave such a list that I could do this for the next two years and not run out of books to showcase. Just so you know my two books were the Maya Banks and the Anthony Horowitz ones. I have the Maya Banks and recently purchased the other.
I am hoping to post my own review of some of these but lets be honest and say it most likely won’t happen. I do have a couple of these books in my to be read pile so you never know they could make their way up to the top.
Sherry says
I might read Maya Banks book.
Bea LaRocca says
I have not read any of these books yet but both Iron Lake and In Bed With A Highlander seem like stories that I would enjoy
Elaine G says
These are the genre of books I usually read. I do like Maya Banks’ erotic romance books though.
heather says
I would love to read in bed with a highlander that looks like my kind of read and the cover is perfect.
Natalie says
I plan on reading Magpie Murders because I love a good murder mystery!
Nina Lewis says
I love that Maya Banks book. The whole series is great, really! Maybe I could do a reread!? 🙂
bn100 says
News of the World sounds interesting
Piroska says
I’m going to reread “The Handmaid’s Tale”. I read it when I was much younger, and I want to understand it better before I watch the TV series.
Nancy E Loring says
I am interested in reading the handmade’s Tale. I have heard alot about the TV show but U have never watched it. I would much rather read the book instead.
raMONA says
I have watched The Handmaid’s Tale and Magpie Murders tv shows, so i’m most interested in reading these books.
Susan Smith says
No I don’t plan on reading any of these books as I have a long TBR list.
Sharon Rooney says
I will not be reading any of these books this month. I have a lot of books that I recently purchased that I will be reading first.
In Bed with a HIghlander sounds like one that I will be putting on my reading list.
Adriane says
I’ve been meaning to read Handmaids Tale for years – good reminder to put it on my list this year!
Suzie B says
I actually really want to check out the Handmaids tale – its been on my TBR forever!s
Jessica Beard says
I would like to read The Handmaid’s tale.
Barbara Montag says
I would enjoy reading iron lake.
by an author I have been wanting to start reading.
William kent krueger.
Shirley O says
The Murder in the Mystery Sweet sounds like a good read.
Thomas Batanglo says
I need a good for the beach this summer.
Thomas Batanglo says
Given the STATE of the world at present. I ciuld use a good read ABOUT now.
Thomas Batanglo says
HAVEN’T read a good murder MYSTERY in a long time.
Thomas Batanglo says
News of the world could be a keeper.
Dreaa Drake says
Its all new to me but the maya banks book looKs awesome! Deff added it to my tbr!
Thomas Batanglo says
Looks like some INTERESTING reads here.